Honey locust Seeds (Gleditsia triacanthos "Inermis")

Product no.: S-2150

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Quantity  20 Seeds

Germination approx. 14 -28 days at 25 °C, Sand seeds with sandpaper, 1 Day dip in hot water.


Honey locust seeds (Gleditsia triacanthos "Inermis")

The honey locust comes from the eastern parts of North America where it is very popular as a garden tree as the funnel shape lets in a lot of light. It is a very hardy tree. In Central Europe it withstands temperatures of up to -28 ° C. In the variety "inermis" the strange thorns are absent. Gleditsia flowers are a rare sight and in autumn and will see their spectacular pods up to 50cm containing seeds.

The leaves are toxic because of its alkaloid content Triacanthina but their pods / seeds are used in their place of origin as fodder for domestic animals. The crushed pods are used as a thickener for soups and sauces.

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