Quantity 30 Seeds
Germination. Irregular. Seed stratification
Capers (Capparis spinosa)
Caper bush has value not only as a spice but also as an ornamental plant because of its beautiful flowers. Different parts of the caper are consumed, one of which is the closed flower bud the smaller the better in terms of quality. In the local cuisine in the Lipari Islands leaves and fruits are also used. Most adult plants have little to do with their botanical name "spinosa" so these are often "inermis" ("disarmed").
Soil: It loves rock gardens, hard, permeable ground. If the garden is very acidic pH it is easier to get good harvests in a high sunny place such as a rockery. If planted in pots, do not keep the soil too wet.
Light: Full sun
Multiplication: Cuttings are difficult because of the time taken to root. Multiplication by seeds is very demanding and it is very important to have a very humid microclimate (mini greenhouse).
Winter: Best outdoors, withstands temperatures down to 5 ° below zero, the plant loses most of its leaves in winter. In pot should be in a cool place, away from any sources of heat.
Cooking: Capers are preserved in brine but must be rinsed with water or vinegar.
Medicinal: stimulates the appetite, it is diuretic, digestive and reinforces the stomach. Capers contain the antioxidant flavonoid Rutin. In folk medicine it is also good for rheumatism and arthritis.