Pomegranate plant (Punica granatum)
The fact that Punica granatum, contains lots of vitamin C is not the only reason why it has been cultivated for a thousand years. It also has numerous medicinal properties and uses at home (as a natural dye). This not so small tree can reach up to 5m high and is easy to care for. It extends from Asia to the Mediterranean area. They can also be grown as bonsai, depending on the shape, height, size of fruit and even the color of their flowers.
The fruit of the Pomegranate is popular among children because of its a special sweet taste.
Soil: permeable garden soil ensures………………. . Potted plant should be replanted regularly.
Light: prefers direct sun but also grows in semi-shade. The quantity of fruit dependent on amount of sun.
Multiplication: Difficult from cuttings, seed germination works well even without covering of substrate. For correct rooting substrate must be poor in nutrients. At the time of sowing should be at a temperature of about 22 ° C. It takes about 14 days to germinate.
In winter: Best in ground. It can withstand temperatures around zero degrees in the garden. While in cold regions it is an advantage to plant in pots in a cool place not near heating.
In the kitchen: In salads, juice, meat and pig hunting. Infusion with the leaves.
At home: The shell of the fruit as decoration, fruits and roots to give color.
Medicine: The antioxidant effect of Pomegrante is perhaps four times higher than red wine or green tea. Many studies claim that it prevents the growth of cancer cells, especially breast and prostate cancer, and other cancers. Also it seems to have effects on atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes and heart disease.