Soap Aloe, Zebra Aloe (Aloe saponaria, aloe maculata)
This aloe owes its name to the fact that it is used in South Africa by the local population for laundry, the gel of its leaves can be beaten in water also to wash clothes. On a large scale the gel of this aloe is demanded by the cosmetics industry.
The plant's cultivation is very simple, it is salt-tolerant and can tolerate short-term temperatures around zero degrees.
In addition to its positive cosmetic properties, it also has a great potential as a medicinal plant:
The gel has a bactericidal, antiseptic and anesthetic effect and can therefore be externally caused by joint pain, inflammation and mild
Sunburn use. In local popular medicine it is used internally in arthritis, bronchitis, cellulite, intestinal parasites, ulcers and even in cancer treatment.