Common Sage Seed (Salvia Officinalis)

Product no.: S-0045

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Price includes VAT, plus delivery

Quantity 50 seeds

Germination 18 days at 20 °C

Common Sage seeds (Salvia officinalis)

Common sage also called garden sage, kitchen sage, true sage. Evergreen shrub in the Mediterranean area reaches heights of up to 80 cm. The purple or pink flowers appear in spring and are very attractive to bees and bumble bees. However, in some cultures the flowers are removed to achieve a higher quality of aromatic leaves. The generic name comes from the Latin "salvare" cure. Therefore it is not surprising that sage in antiquity was a highly regarded herb. "Cur moriatur homo cui Salvia crescit in horto?" Frequently quoted in many books on herbalism.

In addition to its healing properties sage it is especially used in the Mediterranean as a seasoning for beef and fish giving a very special flavor. It is said that sage always dominates and should not be mixed in the dishes with other spices. "Sage is a prima donna, and must appear alone on stage". The sage family is included among the most numerous of all with more than 500 different types.

Soil: For sage to grow well and for its gray matt leaves to emit the aroma it should be kept rather dry in summer. Over watering can destroy a plant that otherwise is very resistant. The soil must be permeable, calcareous, well-drained sandy and if possible.

Light: Sun and shadows: the aroma increases with solar radiation and also helps keep it.

Multiplication: by cuttings 3- 4 weeks directly in a culture substrate until it roots. A good time is early spring or fall. Reproduction by seeds is also possible especially if the seeds are fresh

In winter: In the garden sage tolerates temperatures up to -3 to -5 ° C. although it can also be protected against the harshness of winter by covering it with leaves and weeds. In pots in a cool place (5-10 ° C), with lots of light

Uses: Ornamental plant, also an important feeding ground for bees. Herb and spice

In the kitchen: as a herb for roast, game dishes and fish. A must is to try it with Saltimbocca Alla Romana

In the home: For sweaty feet (foot bath), as bath essence and mixed with rosemary shampoo

Medicinal: In ancient times the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect of sage was well known. In inflammations of the mouth and respiratory tract, colds and flus and toothache sage tea is very effective. It also has an antispasmodic effect, reducing sweating (night sweats), antimicrobial and antiviral. During pregnancy and children should avoid the use of sage.

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