Common Plantain Seeds (Plantago major)

Product no.: S-2470

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Price includes VAT, plus delivery

Quantity 100 Seeds

Germination: approx. 21 days at 20 ºC


Common Plantain seeds (Plantago major)

Common Plantain is listed with different names: Broadleaf Plantain, ripple grass, waybread. Originally from Europe it seems to be spread throughout the world. It grows on the sides of roads and highways and belongs to the so-called rural flora. Its tiny and somewhat sticky seeds are spread by animals but also for the humans who "carry" them on clothes and footwear.

In European folk medicine Plantain is used to heal wounds, the crushed leaves have anti-inflammatory and healing properties (also in case of insect bites). It is also very common in naturopathy used for ulcers, diarrhea and intestinal problems.

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