Asiatic Pennywort, Indian Pennywort, Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica)
Gotu kola is used both in Indian medicine (Ayurveda) and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), but in the Western world it is probably is known as an interesting "anti-aging" plant.
The plant originated in the low-lying marshes of India and Southeast Asia and Australia, it is no wonder then that this area as wide distribution there are many names for this plant (Kola, Fo-ti, Gotu Kola , mandukaparni, Luei Gong Gen, Antanan, Pegagan, Brahmi, etc.).
The active principles of Centella are Bacoside and Asiatocoside, which are responsible for the different healing effects.
Gotu Kola the leaves are used for:
- Problems with blood circulation such as varicose veins.
- For memory and poor concentration (Alzheimer)
- In wound healing and strengthening connective tissue (in India leprosy is treated with Gotu Kola)
- High blood pressure
- To improve the renewal of blood
- To stimulate the formation of cartilage.
In India and Indonesian cuisine Gotu Kola is used in some curry mixes and is also used to flavor "Dhal".dishes
Does not withstand temperatures below 5 ° C.