Seeds of Trees & Exotic Plants

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Product no.: S-6870

Quantity 6 Seeds

Germination approx. 20-60 Days at 20ºC

Popcorn senna, candelstick plant seeds  (Senna didymobotrya)

syn: cassia didymobotrya


3.50 *

In stock

Product no.: S-6920

Quantity 5 seeds

Germination approx. 10-28 days at 25ºC

Longan, Dragon eye seeds (Dimocarpus longan)


4.50 *
Product no.: S-6460

Quantity 10 Seeds
Germination  approx. 10-21 days at 22ºC.

Canna "Fuchsia " seeds (Canna indica)

2.50 *
Product no.: S-6530

Quantity 100 Seeds
Germination approx. 28 - 60 days at 20ºC

Fig Tree , black fruit seeds (Ficus Carica)

2.50 *

In stock

Product no.: S-6210

Quantity 10 seeds

Germination: approx. 21- 60 days at 22ºC

Giant honey flower, honey bush seeds (Melianthus Major)

2.50 *

In stock

Product no.: S-6220

Quantity 20 seeds

Germination: approx. 14- 30 days at 22ºC

False Acacia seeds (Robinia pseudoacacia)

1.80 *

In stock

Product no.: S-6330

Quantity: 10 seeds

Germination approx. 10-21 Days at 22ºC. Scrape the seeds with sandpaper and leave to soak for 1 day in water at room temperature.


"Red Cherry" Canna seeds (Canna Indica)

2.20 *

In stock

Product no.: S-0005

Quantity 30 seeds

Germination 14 days at 18-20 ° C. Seeds scraped with sandpaper and left submerged in hot water for a day


Silk tree, Acacia of Constantinople seeds (Albizia julibrissin)

1.50 *

In stock
can be shipped within 5 days

Product no.: S-0100

Quantity 5 Seeds

Germination: approx. 20- 60 days at 20 °C

Laurel seeds (Laurus nobilis)

1.80 *

In stock
can be shipped within 3 days

Product no.: S-0220

Quantity  10 Seeds

Germination irregular, seeds in cold stratification


Ginkgo seeds (Ginkgo biloba)

4.50 *

In stock
can be shipped within 7 days

Product no.: S-0750

Quantity . 10 Seeds

Germination approx: 14 days at 20 °C, after sanding seeds with sandpaper


Carob seeds (Ceratonia Siliqua)

1.50 *

In stock
can be shipped within 7 days

Product no.: S-0820

Quantity  10 seeds

Germination approx. 10 -14 days at 22 ºC


Jacaranda seeds (Jacaranda mimosifolia)

1.80 *

In stock
can be shipped within 7 days

Product no.: S-2020

Quantity. 15 seeds

Germination: approx. 14 -24 days at 26 °C, immerse the seeds in hot water for 1 day.


Guava seeds (Psidium guajava)

1.90 *

In stock
can be shipped within 7 days

Product no.: S-2150

Quantity  20 Seeds

Germination approx. 14 -28 days at 25 °C, Sand seeds with sandpaper, 1 Day dip in hot water.


Honey locust seeds (Gleditsia triacanthos "Inermis")

2.50 *

In stock
can be shipped within 7 days

Product no.: S-2090

Quantity 30 Seeds

Germination approx. 14 days at 20°C


Pride of Madeira seeds (Echium candicans)

1.95 *

In stock
can be shipped within 7 days

Product no.: S-2160

Quantity . 10 Seeds

Germination: 28-60 days at 26 ° C


Cherimoya seeds (Annona cherimola)

2.50 *

In stock
can be shipped within 7 days

Product no.: S-2390

Quantity  5 Seeds

Germination approx. 4 Weeks at 24 ° C, leave the seeds in hot water for one day


Elephant Ear, Marquesa seeds (Alocasia macrorrhizos)

3.90 *
Product no.: S-2410

Quantity 30 seeds

Germination: aprox.6-8 30 weeks at 22 °C, germination with light


New Zealand flax or New Zealand hemp seeds (Phormium tenax)

2.50 *
Product no.: S-2440

Quantity 30 seeds

Germination, irregular cold stratification of seeds (seeds in moist substrate 6 weeks in the refrigerator before planting).


Cypress seeds (Cupressus sempervirens)

1.50 *

In stock
can be shipped within 7 days

Product no.: S-2290

Amount. 10 Seeds

Germination approx. 8 Weeks at 24 °C


Canary Island Date Palm seeds (Phoenix Canarensis)

1.80 *

In stock

Product no.: S-2490

Quantity 30 Seeds

Germination:and approx. 14 Days 22 - 24 °C, germinate with light, balanced moisture.


Oleander seeds (Nerium oleander)

1.50 *

In stock
can be shipped within 7 days

Product no.: S-2560

Quantity 20 seeds

Germination: aprox. 14 -24 days at 24 °C, soak seeds for 1 day in hot water


Papaya, paw paw seeds (Carica papaya)

1.50 *

In stock
can be shipped within 7 days

Product no.: S-2170

Quantity 20 seeds

Germination aprox.10-28 days at 25°C Immerse the seeds in hot water for one day before sowing


Bottle Tree seeds, Kurrajong, seeds (Brachychiton populneus)

2.50 *

In stock
can be shipped within 7 days

Product no.: S-2700

Quantity  20 Seeds

Germination approx. 28 days at 18 °C (spring is the ideal time), cover lightly and keep moist.


Red bignonia seeds, Cape honeysuckle (Tecoma capensis, Tecomaria capensis)

2.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within 7 days

Product no.: S-2820

Quantity 10 Seeds

Germination approx. 28 days at 22 °C (with high humidity)


Japanese Aralia, Fatsia seeds (Fatsia Japonica)

3.57 *

Not in stock

Product no.: S-2850

Quantity  6 Seeds

Germination approx. 14-28 days at 25 °C Seeds sanded and soaked in water before planting.


Coral Tree Seeds (Erythrina crista-galli)

3.50 *

In stock
can be shipped within 7 days

Product no.: S-2890

Quantity 30 seeds

Germination irregular approx. 3-6 Weeks, better cold period


Red Hot Poker seeds (Kniphofia uvaria)

2.30 *

In stock

Product no.: S-3150

Amount. 10 Seeds

Germination, Irregular seeds need cold stratification


Blackthorn, Sloe seeds (Prunus spinosa)

2.30 *

In stock

Product no.: S-3240

Amount 20 Seeds

Germination approx. 3-4 weeks at 18 ° C, seeds in cold stratification (4 weeks).


Judas Tree seeds (Cercis siliquastrum)

1.50 *

In stock

Product no.: S-3250

Amount.  50 Seeds

Germination: Irregular, cold stratification of seeds


Elderberry seeds (Sambucus nigra)

1.80 *

In stock

Product no.: S-3300

Amount 5 seeds

Germination 90 days at 26 ° C, soak seeds for 2 days in hot water before sowing.


Bird of Paradise Seeds (Strelitzia reginae)

1.80 *

In stock

Product no.: S-3330

Amount 10 Seeds

Germination approx. 2-6 weeks at 24- 30 °C. It needs for heat cover with a mini greenhouse or plastic


Agapanthus Seeds (Agapanthus africanus)

2.50 *

In stock

Product no.: S-3380

Amount. 30 Seeds

Germination approx. 14 -28 Days at 20ºC


Button snakewort, Dense blazing star seeds  (Liatris spicata)

1.50 *

In stock

Product no.: S-3420

Amount. 100 Seeds

Germination aprox.10-18 days at 22 °C, soaking seeds before planting


White mulberry seeds (Morus alba)

1.50 *

In stock

Product no.: S-3430

Amount. 100 Seeds

Germination aprox.10-18 days at 22 °C, soaking seeds before planting


Black Mulberry seeds (Morus nigra)

1.80 *

In stock

Product no.: S-3440

Amount. 15 seeds

Germination aprox.14 -28 to 12 ° C, the seeds need cold stratification.


Peruvian pepper tree seeds (Schinus molle)

1.80 *

In stock

Product no.: S-3520

Amount 5 Seeds

Germination approx. 21-180 days at 22 ° C, seeds scraped with sandpaper


Baobab Seeds (Adansonia digitata)

4.50 *

In stock

Product no.: S-3690

Amount. 500 Seeds

Germination approx. 20 -45 days at 24 °C, soak seeds before planting


Foxglove tree seeds, Empress tree, Princess tree (Paulownia tomentosa imperialis)

2.50 *

In stock

Product no.: S-3730

Amount. 50 Seeds

Germination approx. 14 days at 22 °C, Seeds immersed in warm water for 1 day.


Touch-me-not seeds (Mimosa pudica)

2.50 *

In stock

Product no.: S-3760

Amount 10 Seeds

Germination approx. irregular, seeds in cold stratification


Hawthorn seeds (Crataegus monogyna)

1.80 *

In stock

Product no.: S-3770

Quantity. 15 Seeds

Germination approx. 10 - 40 days at 20 ° C,

Soak seeds for one day, water at room temperature


Moringa Seeds, Vegetable Tree, Miracle Tree (Moringa oleifera)

2.50 *

In stock

Product no.: S-3780

Amount 20 Seeds

Germination: irregular, seeds in cold stratification.


Strawberry tree seeds (Arbutus unedo)

2.50 *

In stock

Product no.: S-3790

Amount. 30 Seeds

Germination approx. 14-20 days at 18 °C


Morning Glory seeds (Ipomoea tricolor) "Heavenly Blue"

1.50 *

In stock

Product no.: S-3820

Amount. 20 Seeds

Germination: approx. 14 -30 days at 24 °C, seeds one day soaked in hot water.


Dwarf Pomegranate seeds (Punica granatum var. Nana)

1.90 *

In stock

Product no.: S-3840

Amount. 20 Seeds

Germinación aprox.14 20 -30 days at 24 ° C, 1 Day seeds in hot water


Pomegranate Seeds (Punica granatum)e.

1.80 *

In stock

Product no.: S-3920

Amount 10 Seeds

Germination approx. 30-60 days at 25 ° C, preferably high humidity


Aloe arborescens, Kranz aloe Seeds (Aloe arborescens)

2.90 *

In stock

Product no.: S-4040

Quantity 10 Seeds

Irregular Germination, seeds need cold stratification


Magnolia Seeds (Magnolia grandiflora)

3.50 *

In stock

Product no.: S-4160

Amount. 6 Seeds

Germination aprox.14 -24 days at 24 ° C, seeds one day to soak in warm water before sowing


Bird of paradise shrub seeds (Caesalpinia Gilliesii)

2.50 *

In stock

Product no.: S-4190

Amount. 15 Seeds

Germination approx. 14 -40 days at 25 °C. Seeds soaked in warm water before sowing


Cotton seeds (Gossypium herbaceum)

1.90 *

In stock

Product no.: S-4400

Quantity. 100 Seeds

Germination approx. 10 - 40 days at 20 ° C,

Soak seeds for one day, water at room temperature


Moringa Seeds, Vegetable Tree, Miracle Tree (Moringa oleifera)

13.50 *

In stock

* Prices include VAT, plus delivery
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