Peppermint (Mentha x piperita)
All mints are often referred to commonly as mint. But the peppermint is actually a cross between aquatic mint and spearmint. It gets its name from its strong flavor and its high content of menthol. In contrast to other mints it contains more menthol and less carvone. Either way the distinction between mints tend to blend. The distinction is easy based on the flowering headsThe light blue flowers of peppermint are visited by bees and other insects
Soil: very tolerant of the soil pH. Likes to be moist especially during the growing period. Do not fertilize.
Light: Sun or shade, the interesting components of menthol and menthylacetato responsible for the typical refreshing taste increases with high solar radiation.
Multiplication: Cuttings and root partition are very simple, in the garden it spreads easily and quickly. Seeding with light. Sink the seeds into the soil and keep wet and at approx.16-18 ºC. Plant out between March and April.
Winter: Winter hardy in spring resprouts.
In the kitchen: In infusion, to season lamb, but also combines with grilled fish. It is also used in sweets (eg for chocolate) and drinks.
Medicinal: very effective for colds and flu as well as stomach and intestinal problems. Also for diarrhea, sunburn, nausea and loss of appetite. Mint stimulates the activity of bile.